2006 NACAA Annual Meeting and
Professional Conference Evaluation

Thank you for visiting the conference evaluation page. We value your opinion.

Please rate each activity at the 2006 NACAA AMPIC that you participated in by clicking on the appropriate response.

We are no longer accepting evaluations.

General Program - all conference participants

  Poor Fair Average Good Excellent N/A
Registration process
Arrival/Reception and Information
Commercial Exhibits
Computer Technology Lab
Sunday Get Acquainted Meal
Opening Session/Inspirational Program
State Pictures
Should we continue taking state pictures?
First Timer Orientation
4-H Talent Revue
Wed. Professional Improvement Tour
Select your tour
Wed Barbeque
Scholarship Auction
If you rated any of the above activities poor or fair, please comment on why you rated the session poorly or what could be done to improve it.
  Yes No Somewhat
Did the promotional material in the County Agent Magazine help you to make the decision to attend the AMPIC?
Does having information (tours, professional development sessions, spouses, sons and daughters, life members programs, etc) available at the prior years conference help you to make a decision on attending?

Member program participants, please respond to questions below as to their value to you. If you did not participant in the member program click here.

  Poor Fair Average Good Excellent N/A
Parent's Orientation for Sons and Daughters
First Timers Orientation

Monday, July 24

General Session Overall
General Session Keynote Speaker
Delegates Breakfast
Pride and First Timers Luncheon
Prof. Improvement & Search for Excellence Workshop
List session attended
Poster Session
Trade Talks
List session attended
Commercial Technology Seminars
List session attended
Committee Workshop
List session attended
Regional Meeting
4-H Talent Revue

Tuesday, July 25

Achievement Awards Breakfast
Poster Session Award Breakfast
Delegate Session
State Presidents Luncheon
Program Recognition Council Seminars
Extension Development Council Seminars
Prof. Improvement Council Seminars
List session attended
Communications Awards Luncheon
Commercial Technology and Issues Luncheon Seminars
List session attended
Search for Excellence Luncheon Seminars
List session attended
JCEP Seminar "Working with Elected Officials"
Scholarship Auction

Thursday, July 26

General Session
Capstone Speaker
Commercial Technology Seminars
List seminar attended
Annual Banquet

Life Members program participants, please respond to the questions below. If you did not participate in the life member program click here.

  Poor Fair Average Good Excellent N/A
Life Member Hospitality Room
Life member activities well integrated with other AMPIC activities
Monday's General Session
Monday's Keynote Speaker
Life Member Business Session
Regional Meeting
Life Member Breakfast
Thursday's General Session
Thursday's Capstone Speaker
Annual Banquet
What recommendations would you make to improve the Life Member program?

Spouses program participants, please respond to the questions below. If you did not participate in the Spouses program then click here.

  Poor Fair Average Good Excellent N/A
Value of workshop 1 that you attended
List the most valuable workshop you attended
Value of workshop 2 that you attended
List the most valuable workshop you attended
Value of workshop 3 that you attended
List the most valuable workshop you attended
Value of workshop 4 that you attended
List the most valuable workshop you attended
Value of tours attended
List the most valuable tour you attended
Please suggest specific or types of spouses workshops for future meetings
  Yes No NA
Did you feel that the safety of your children was adequate during this conference?

Sons and Daughters program participants, please respond to the questions below. If you did not participate in the Sons and Daughters program then click here.

  Poor Fair Average Good Excellent N/A
Get Acquainted Party
Farewell Party
Value of overall sons & daughters program
List the activities that you liked the most
List the activities that you liked the least
Make suggestions on how we could improve the sons and daughters program

Overall Conference Evaluation

  Poor Fair Average Good Excellent N/A
Overall, how would you rate this year's AM/PIC?
Overall quality of professional improvement opportunities
  should be more just right too much
The amount of professional improvement opportunities at this year's AM/PIC are:
Of the session you rated poor or fair on this evaluation, please comment on why you rated the session low or how it can be improved.
What portions of the AMPIC need improvement or elimination?
What would you recommend to improve the overall conference?
What would you like to really compliment this year's hosts on?

What most influences whether or not you will attend a NACAA AM/PIC?
Region of the Country
Time of Year
Program Educational Value
Registration Price

How many Annual Meetings have you attended?
First Time
Over 20

Do you plan to attend the 2007 NACAA AM/PIC in Grand Rapids, Michigan?
Yes   No

Do you plan to attend the 2008 NACAA AM/PIC in Greensboro, North Carolina?
Yes   No

To better summarize this evaluation, we would appreciate you supplying some optional information. Supplying this information is strictly voluntary.

I attended as a:
Active Member
Life Member

Sex: Male   Female

How many years you have been in Extension? years. (whole number)

NACAA and the NCACAA thanks you for participating in this evaluation and helping to keep our organizations strong and responsive to your needs.